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Speed Up Windows with CCleaner


Windows has a knack for slowing down over time. As you surf, open and close applications, copy and move files, Windows leaves traces of all of these activities in the form of cookies and recent document links. Browsers tend to store cached information which, in theory, speeds up web browsing with pre-loaded graphics, portions of web pages, and surfing history. The simple act of installing and uninstalling applications also leaves orphaned files on your hard drive. Over time, all of these small files can add up to a large chunk of disk space, slowing the operation of your PC, especially the boot process. CCleaner, which stands for Crap Cleaner, is a freeware utility which optimizes Windows systems by removing unused files. This allows Windows to run faster and free up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of online activities such as internet history. CCleaner also cleans the Windows registry, the directory which stores settings and options for the operating system. This directory can grow huge over time with references to long gone applications and files. I recently ran CCleaner and removed one gigabyte of useless crude stored on my hard drive. CCleaner is free, fast, and contains no Spyware or Adware. They boast over 200 million downloads, and also per their website, donations large and small are appreciated.

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